Getting your little one to bed

Getting your baby or toddler to bed without putting up a fuss can be quite a challenge,– and sometimes parents actually contribute to the problem, say sleep experts. Here are the most common sleep mistakes :

1. Letting your baby or toddler stay up late

Maybe you keep your infant or toddler up to play because you don’t have much time with him after work. Or you’ve developed the habit of putting him to bed just before you retire for the night. Here’s why that’s a problem: Late bedtimes lead to an overtired kid who’s cranky and refuses to go to sleep.

2. Relying on motion

There’s nothing wrong with rocking your little one to relax her before bedtime – just make sure you don’t rock her to sleep. She might grow to depend on it to fall asleep, which means she’ll need the same attention every time she wakes up during the night.

Relying on motion can also affect the quality of your child’s sleep. “If the child is always sleeping in motion – in strollers or cars – she probably doesn’t get the deep, more restorative sleep due to the stimulation of motion,” says Marc Weissbluth, pediatrician and author of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. He likens the quality of motion-induced sleep for children to the type of sleep an adult might get on an airplane.

3. Introducing distractions at bedtime

You might think an eye-catching mobile, cheerful night-light, or quiet music would help your baby fall asleep. Instead, they can distract your baby and keep him awake.

4. Failing to establish a bedtime routine

If you’re like most people, you have a routine that helps you wind down at the end of the day. Babies and toddlers are no different. Without a consistent routine every night, children have trouble settling down for bed, and sleep quality may suffer.

5. Picking up your baby as soon as he starts crying

When your baby starts crying at night, you may feel the urge to hurry over and feed him, check his diaper, or pick him up for a cuddle – but that deprives him of the chance to learn how to soothe himself back to sleep.Just like adults, babies naturally wake up several times a night. Since they aren’t born knowing how to settle themselves back down to sleep, they need the opportunity to learn. When your baby cries, give him a few moments to self-soothe – by finding a thumb to suck or knuckle to gnaw on, for example. And one day he’ll fall back to sleep without needing a thing from you.

7. Sending mixed messages about where to sleep

Do you let your toddler climb into bed with you a couple times a week, maybe when he’s especially fussy? The problem here is not the sleep method but the mixed message.

Many parents choose to sleep-share. Others may be surprised to find themselves with a family bed they didn’t plan on, and this confusion can disrupt your child’s sleep. -in France, medical personnel encourage the use of baby nest beds. 

8. Allowing bedtime to become a battleground

If you’ve resigned yourself to nightly negotiations with your toddler (who keeps asking for another story or song), you’re not alone. As children exercise their growing independence, they often test limits by resisting bedtime. But allowing your child to continue pushing back sets up an unhealthy pattern of frustration and lost sleep.

baby nest bed
#babylove #babycare

8 thoughts on “Getting your little one to bed

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  4. Zion says:

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  5. Brinley says:

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    • Katya says:

      organic cotton fabrics are the best for newborn babies.

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