• Place The Baby Nest Bed on a flat, safe, firm and stable surface and away from any edge that it could fall from.
  • Always place your baby on his/her back.
  • You should keep soft objects such as stuffed toys, pillows and blankets out of the Nest.
  • Never allow baby to co-sleep with an adult who suffers sleep disorders, is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication, or is obese. Ensure that each adult in the bed are aware of the baby’s presence.
  • Please use Only Newborn size Baby Nest Bed for supervised co sleeping for infants. Medium and Toddler size baby nest beds can be too big for newborn baby.
  • Pillows and covers present a suffocation risk to your baby. Make sure there are no extra pillows on the bed that can go over the baby. Each parent should use only the pillow under their heads.
  • Make sure there are no covers over the Baby Nest Bed. It can end up over the baby’s face. Covers can also cause overheating which is associated with increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.